Importing... Add-on data (Phrases: ....%) very slow


Active member
every time I install an addon it takes several minutes to process the import of the phrases.
What could be the problem?
I'm on shared hosting, Php 7.2, but the site is not slow, the loading page is acceptable.

Versione PHP    7.2.12
Versione MySQL    5.6.41
Software server    N.D.
PHP post_max_size    64M
PHP upload_max_filesize    64M
PHP max_input_vars    1000
PHP max_execution_time    128
Versione cURL    7.62.0
Versione SSL    OpenSSL/1.0.2p
Suhosin abilitato    No
Fuso orario UTC    Si
Imagick support    No
EXIF support    Si
GZip support    Si
mbstring support    Si

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