Thank you for your swift reply!
So the proper way is as follows:
- Import to XF1
- Upgrade XF1 to XF2
This will cause a bit more downtime for us as we will need to go through the settings after the XF upgrade. So my question is if we could do following:
- Install XF2(a) and do the basic engine configuration (No forums, users, groups or anything which would break the IDs of the source)
- Install XF1 (not touching the config) and import vB DB
- Upgrade XF1 to XF2(b)
- Import data (users, threads, forums, posts,... etc) from XF(b) to pre-configured XF(a) keeping the configuration in XF2(a)
- Thread-prefixes are imported as well or these are lost in the process?
- How is is with the user passwords? Will they work or each user need to reset his own password?