Imagick Not Available


Active member
I do not have a Xenforo issue but having a hard time getting the php extension Imagick working in PHP 7 on my self managed VPS. I was able to install Image Magick without issue and also the extension on my Centos 7 install with Virtualmin for control panel.
# php -i | grep Imagick returns
# php -i | grep Imagick
PHP Warning:  Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning:  Module 'imagick' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
imagick classes => Imagick, ImagickDraw, ImagickPixel, ImagickPixelIterator
Imagick compiled with ImageMagick version => ImageMagick 6.7.8-9 2016-06-16 Q16
Imagick using ImageMagick library version => ImageMagick 6.7.8-9 2016-06-16 Q16

I have placed the extension in every php.ini location that I know of. I placed in etc/php.ini and also the location of the php 7 php.ini in the same location as public_html.

I have restarted both apache numerous times as well as rebooting server without the extension becoming available to use.

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Can anyone suggest what I need to do to get this working? Seems a whole bunch of time is being spent on something that should have simple solution.

Thanks much!
If I remember correctly you need to install Imagemagick and PHP-Imagemagick.

On Ubuntu that is...
I switched to using php 5.4 and the extension becomes available and can be used with Xenforo. If anyone knows of another extension or dll reference that needs to be added it is appreciated. I want to use PHP 7. Thansk!
Got this working. Virtualmin created additional php versions in an alternate location and I suppose Xenforo is looking for the PECL in ect/php.ini location. Upgrading the default php5.4 in virtuamin in /etc to php7.1 allowed php7.1 to reference the extension correctly. Now this works with no additional php versions left as extras so to speak.
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