XF 2.2 Image proxy - seen VS requested term definitions


Well-known member
This is a pretty popular image on an active reference thread with 5,000+ hits to this picture in the past year. This week, it's seeing about 10 hits a day, so it's still active.

Can someone clarify the definition of the terms "last seen" vs "last requested"?

Why doesn't first requested line up with first seen?
Why does GA tell me i'm getting 10 hits a day to it as recent as yesterday, yet last requested is over 2 weeks ago?

on 4/21, i converted these images to attachments (local) instead of a proxy out to photobucket.
OldNewEdit dateMember
Current version
Apr 21, 2021Briansol


First requested
Jan 9, 2020

Last requested
Sep 3, 2021

ReferrerHitsFirst seenLast seen
xxxxxxxxx/my-thread.205039/5,370Feb 15, 2020Apr 21, 2021

So, last seen makes sense.

But why is it still being requested?
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