XF 1.2 Image.php errors


Well-known member
I'm getting these three errors every couple of minutes. I globally disabled listeners to make sure it wasn't an addon causing the problem and they still occurred after they were disabled.

ErrorException: Undefined index: height - image.php:23
ErrorException: Undefined index: width - image.php:22
ErrorException: Undefined index: url - image.php:21

ErrorException: Undefined index: url - image.php:21
Generated By: Unknown Account, 4 minutes ago
Stack Trace
#0 /home/...../public_html/image.php(21): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/------/p...', 21, Array)
#1 {main}
Request State
array(3) {
["url"] => string(59) "http://www.------.com/image.php?u=6250&dateline=1347661888"
["_GET"] => array(2) {
["u"] => string(4) "6250"
["dateline"] => string(10) "1347661888"
["_POST"] => array(0) {

Any ideas?
I'm getting these three errors every couple of minutes. I globally disabled listeners to make sure it wasn't an addon causing the problem and they still occurred after they were disabled.

ErrorException: Undefined index: height - image.php:23
ErrorException: Undefined index: width - image.php:22
ErrorException: Undefined index: url - image.php:21

I don't think image.php is a stock part of xenForo... I think it's packaged with sonnb's Trigger Lightbox. I know that was getting those errors in my server log from robots trying to index it also when I had it installed and not excluded from robots.txt.
I just downloaded that add-on, and it is part of it. I also checked in the full release version of xenForo, and it's not an included file there.
I don't think image.php is a stock part of xenForo... I think it's packaged with sonnb's Trigger Lightbox. I know that was getting those errors in my server log from robots trying to index it also when I had it installed and not excluded from robots.txt.
I just downloaded that add-on, and it is part of it. I also checked in the full release version of xenForo, and it's not an included file there.

Ok that makes sense. I do have that addon, but couldn't figure out why I was still getting those errors if I had it disabled. Time to edit my robots.txt

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