XF 2.1 Image optimization options


Well-known member
Besides Lazy Image Loader addon, which is great, are there any other ways to improve image load times?

I run an auto forum so my threads tend to be image heavy.

The thing I don't like about lowering the allowed image file size is that it won't let you upload images that are too big, rather than automatically downsizing them. Is it possible to automatically downsize them? Addons?

iPhone photos tend to be 8-16mb uploads per image.

Any other ways to improve load times?

@arn did you ever figure anything out for this?
My settings presently are:

Max attachment size: 10mb
Max image dimensions: 2000x2000

I find that a 2000x2000 resize results in a reasonably small file size.

I'd rather keep the originals, but they are too big.

My settings presently are:

Max attachment size: 10mb
Max image dimensions: 2000x2000

I find that a 2000x2000 resize results in a reasonably small file size.

I'd rather keep the originals, but they are too big.

If someone tries to upload something bigger, does it reject it, or does it automatically size it down and accept it?
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