I'm a user on a forum that is using the XenForo platform...

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New member
... and on this forum they have the ability to upload audio files which can then be played via the embedded media player....

a problem I as a user am experiencing is that the embedded media player seems to load the media very slowly and that the playing of the media outpaces the loading of it - causing songs to abruptly end. This was happening in Firefox so I switched to Chrome where you can see the visual of the media being loaded into the player differentiated from where you are at on the play and you can see how it barely keeps pace (note it didn't fail there but it barely kept the pace). Is this a configurable setting for the host server that I can direct the website owner to?

I've posted this here because the other areas of your forum are locked for posts from non administrators of forums (I'm just a lowly user).

Many thanks.
Have the owner of the website post in the support forums here. Support can only be provided to licensed customers.
I'll direct them here at some point but I'm also trying to do the leg work on my end to make sure it's not an issue with me and my configuration as the end user of the forums -- does this issue sound like it's something that is a server side issue (ie - does it ring true to you - have you heard of this kind of issue?)
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