XF 2.1 Im a Super Admin with no Moderating Privileges


Even though every setting is set to yes under my name and in admin privileges, when I analyze my Global privileges I am set to no in Moderating.
So I cant edit other people posts. Wouldn't a super admin inherit all Privileges?

There are so many damn settings. What could I be missing?
@ozzy47 Thanks for the reply but I tried all and no luck. If I follow the manual it says....
"Adding a user to the Moderating user group does not make them a moderator. They must be added via Users > Moderators."

I don't see Users>Moderators

I am set up in there as a Super Moderator already and I do see the moderator bar displayed at the top of the page for all moderators but still cant edit other members posts
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/moderating.4
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/super-moderators.5
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/administrative.3
Wrong area, open the Groups & permissions tab, look for Staff, then click on Moderators, in that screen click on your username. You will see a bunch of checkboxes.
I went to Groups & permissions>Staff>Moderators my username is Listed Under "Super Moderators" and "Content moderator"

I clicked on my name under Super moderator

Type of moderator: Super moderator (All Selected)
You probably have a special permission set somewhere and its set to no. Most likely editing others posts.

Go to groups and permissions then user permissions and see if you are listed there with special permissions. Also may be a specific node permission, so check everything.
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/moderating.4
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/super-moderators.5
Everything set to Yes in /admin.php?permissions/user-groups/administrative.3
Do you have any permission value set to 'Never' for the registered user group (or any other group not mentioned)? If yes, 'never' can't be overwrited so you have to set the relevant permissions to 'no' instead.
@Andrej you solved my problem! All the registered users were set to Yes and Never, I switched all the nevers to no and wallah!

I didnt understand the difference between no and never. Does this mean if I ask a lady out that says no means it could be a possible yes now? 😁

Thanks everyone for giving me insight on this. We migrated from vb5 to xf2 a few months ago and still trying to understand how permissions work.
@Andrej you solved my problem! All the registered users were set to Yes and Never, I switched all the nevers to no and wallah!

I didnt understand the difference between no and never. Does this mean if I ask a lady out that says no means it could be a possible yes now? 😁

Thanks everyone for giving me insight on this. We migrated from vb5 to xf2 a few months ago and still trying to understand how permissions work.

Glad you got it sorted. :)
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