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Alright, I know you can use
as part of an if statement. I'm looking to use specific page widths to hide certain coding sections of the site (breaks the site at certain page sizes). When the page is a certain width or below, I need certain divs displayed, and larger than that I need others.
Is there any way I can incorporate something like @maxResponsiveMediumWidth into an in statement?
For example:
I've been able to do this successfully with the header background image for responsive sizes using just css, but now Im trying to hide entire divs.
Is this possible, either ideally through a template edit or css?
<xen:if is="@enableResponsive">
as part of an if statement. I'm looking to use specific page widths to hide certain coding sections of the site (breaks the site at certain page sizes). When the page is a certain width or below, I need certain divs displayed, and larger than that I need others.
Is there any way I can incorporate something like @maxResponsiveMediumWidth into an in statement?
For example:
<xen:if is="@enableResponsive AND @maxResponsiveMediumWidth">
<xen:if is="@maxResponsiveMediumWidth">
Medium/small switch.
<xf:else />
Content larger than medium response size - breaks design below medium width.
I've been able to do this successfully with the header background image for responsive sizes using just css, but now Im trying to hide entire divs.
Is this possible, either ideally through a template edit or css?