Icewind Nut Job Jones [Deleted]


Well-known member
Lawrence submitted a new resource:

Icewind Nut Job Jones - Clicking a thread/conversation title with no new messages will take the user to the last message.

Nut Job Jones was a brown squirrel that used to come around. He had two loves in the world: speed and hazelnuts. So this add-on is dedicated to the now departed Nut Job Jones.

What this add-on does: when a thread or conversation has no new messages for a logged in member, and they click the title, it takes them to the last message. Speedy, Nut Job Jones would be proud of this add-on.

Install: AdminCp->Install Add-on->import the XML, that is all.

DB Changes: None

Callbacks: None


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This doesn't work with @Daniel Hood's Conversation Essentials (I assume, since I don't have other conversation related add-ons installed).

Template modifications aren't applied...

Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 21.53.15.webp
This doesn't work with @Daniel Hood's Conversation Essentials (I assume, since I don't have other conversation related add-ons installed).

Template modifications aren't applied...

View attachment 128883

Hi, from your SS it shows that the modifications were applied. The only thing I would guess, if it doesn't work with your conversations, is that conversations essentials replaced the conversation_list_item with it's own template.
Hi, from your SS it shows that the modifications were applied. The only thing I would guess, if it doesn't work with your conversations, is that conversations essentials replaced the conversation_list_item with it's own template.
oops, okay.

Yeah it doesn't go to the last message in a conversation that has already been read, goes to the first, so maybe Conversation Essentials replaces that template. @Daniel Hood can you confirm?
  • Is it possible to make the feature toggleable by the individual users?
  • Is it possible to disable the feature for certain threads? (Like a rule thread)
I checked and Conversation Essentials has these six template modifications for conversation_list_item

<div class="iconKey">
           <xen:if is="{$conversation.is_starred}"><a href="{xen:link conversations/starred}"><span class="starred" title="{xen:phrase starred}">{xen:phrase starred}</span></a></xen:if>
<div class="iconKey">
           <xen:if is="{$conversation.is_starred}"><a href="{xen:link conversations/starred}"><span class="starred" title="{xen:phrase starred}">{xen:phrase starred}</span></a></xen:if>

           <xen:if is="!{$conversation.conversation_open}">
               <span class="locked" title="{xen:phrase locked}">{xen:phrase locked}</span>
           <xen:if is="{$conversation.sticky}">
               <span class="sticky" title="{xen:phrase sticky}">{xen:phrase sticky}</span>

<h3 class="title">
         <input type="checkbox" name="conversations[]" value="{$conversation.conversation_id}" class="InlineModCheck" id="inlineModCheck-conversation-{$conversation.conversation_id}" data-target="#conversation-{$conversation.conversation_id}" title="{xen:phrase select_conversation}: '{$conversation.title}'" />
         <a href="{xen:link "conversations{xen:if {$conversation.isNew}, '/unread'}", $conversation}">{xen:helper wrap, $conversation.title, 50}</a>
         <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><a href="{xen:link conversations/toggle-read, $conversation}" class="ReadToggle"
           title="{xen:if {$conversation.isNew}, {xen:phrase mark_as_read}, {xen:phrase mark_as_unread}}"></a></xen:if>
<h3 class="title">
         <input type="checkbox" name="conversations[]" value="{$conversation.conversation_id}" class="InlineModCheck" id="inlineModCheck-conversation-{$conversation.conversation_id}" data-target="#conversation-{$conversation.conversation_id}" title="{xen:phrase select_conversation}: '{$conversation.title}'" />
         <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.convess_filter_unread}">
           <input type="hidden" name="countModifier[{$conversation.conversation_id}]" value="{xen:if {$conversation.isNew}, '-1', '1'}" />
         <xen:if is="{$conversation.prefix_id}"><a href="{xen:link 'conversations/{$controllerAction}', '', 'avatars={$avatars}', 'prefix_id={$conversation.prefix_id}', 'tab={$convessTab}'}"><span class="{$conversation.prefix_css}">{$conversation.prefix_title}</span></a> </xen:if>
         <a href="{xen:link "conversations{xen:if {$conversation.isNew}, '/unread'}", $conversation}" {xen:if $xenOptions.convess_last_message_preview, 'class="PreviewTooltip" data-previewUrl="{xen:link conversations/title-preview, $conversation}"'}>{xen:helper wrap, $conversation.title, 50}</a>
         <xen:if is="{$visitor.user_id}"><a href="{xen:link conversations/toggle-read, $conversation}" class="ReadToggle"
           title="{xen:if {$conversation.isNew}, {xen:phrase mark_as_read}, {xen:phrase mark_as_unread}}" onclick="updateBalloon('{$convessTab}', {$conversation.conversation_id});"></a></xen:if>

<xen:foreach loop="$conversation.recipientNames" value="$recipient">
             <xen:if is="{$recipient.user_id} != {$conversation.user_id}"><xen:username user="$recipient">{xen:if $recipient.user_id, $recipient.username, {xen:phrase unknown_member}}</xen:username>,</xen:if>
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.convess_username_view} == 'default'">
           <xen:foreach loop="$conversation.recipientNames" value="$recipient">
             <xen:if is="{$recipient.user_id} != {$conversation.user_id}"><xen:username user="$recipient">{xen:if $recipient.user_id, $recipient.username, {xen:phrase unknown_member}}</xen:username>,</xen:if>

   <div class="listBlock stats pairsJustified">
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.convess_username_view} == 'modified'">
<xen:include template="convess_conversation_list_item" />

   <div class="listBlock stats pairsJustified">

<dl class="minor"><dt>{xen:phrase participants}:</dt> <dd>{xen:number {$conversation.recipient_count}}</dd></dl>
<dl class="minor"><dt><a class="muted OverlayTrigger" href="{xen:link conversations/view-all, $conversation}" title="{xen:phrase convess_see_all_participants}">{xen:phrase participants}</a>:
</dt> <dd>{xen:number {$conversation.recipient_count}}</dd></dl>

<dt><xen:username user="$conversation.last_message" /></dt>
<dt><span {xen:if '{$conversation.lastUser.recipient_state} == "deleted_ignored"', 'class="convessUserLeftText Tooltip" title="{xen:phrase convess_user_left_permanently}"  data-tipclass="flipped"'}>
   <xen:username user="$conversation.last_message" />
<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.convess_last_post_avatar} AND {$conversation.lastUser}">
   <span class="convessAvatarPosLast">
     <xen:avatar user="$conversation.lastUser" size="s" img="true" text="{$conversation.last_message_username}" class="convessMiniMe" />
   <xen:if is="{$xenOptions.convess_left_permanently_avatar} AND {$conversation.lastUser.recipient_state} == 'deleted_ignored'">
     <span style="display:inline-block;position:absolute;">
       <span class="convessLastUserLeftAvatar">X</span>

If this helps...
  • Is it possible to make the feature toggleable by the individual users?
  • Is it possible to disable the feature for certain threads? (Like a rule thread)

Not at this time. If I see a need for those suggestions on my site, I'll add them in and release it as an update, :)

@markku thanks for taking the time for posting the changes, although this something that you should not have had to do. I'll look into it later today or tomorrow.
Agreed, he shouldn't have. I just wasn't able to look into this much yesterday, when I got tagged I was just about to get off the computer so I had to just look real quick and answered the direct question. I was going to install it today to test.

Lawrence if you just want to figure it out though, register in xenmods and I'll give you a dev license.
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