I don't want ajax for this addon

Hey folks, :)

So I'm trying to resolve the issue with this addon myself because of this issue.

I've come to this conclusion. I believe it's due to the Ajax call for the templatehtml found in the js/vfchh/vfchh.js

setTimeout(function() {
               XenForo.ajax(url, {}, function(ajaxData, textStatus)
                    if (XenForo.hasResponseError(ajaxData))
                         return false;
                     if (XenForo.hasTemplateHtml(ajaxData, 'messagesTemplateHtml') || XenForo.hasTemplateHtml(ajaxData))
                         XenForo.showMessages(ajaxData, $link, 'fadeIn');
               }); }, 1000);
in this particular section

if (XenForo.hasTemplateHtml(ajaxData, 'messagesTemplateHtml') || XenForo.hasTemplateHtml(ajaxData))
XenForo.showMessages(ajaxData, $link, 'fadeIn');

I think the templatehtml it fetches times out after a few days or how ever long, and it returns the "ResponseError" for the ajax data above, returning a "false" even though the user still has a "like" saved in the database, so they are forces to unlike, and like the post again just to get the Xenforoajax to not return a false to see the hidden data.

I'm not asking for support on fixing the addon itself, because the dev hasn't updated his addon in many months, since almost 2 years ago.
I'm asking how can I force this to not run through Ajax (I acknowledge this puts more stress on checks to the database, but I use memcached so I'm fine), but instead make it check the mysql database (with memcached in config.php) and show the content if they have liked it?

Hope you Devs can help for a few moments to solve this needed issue :) I highly appreciate it!
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