XF 1.0 How

This is what the top of my web page looks like.
I don't like that yellow line I rather have it blend. How do I change it to this
I'm pretty sure there is an option in the style properties for Flexile to make it look better with XenPorta (To change it from what you've got now to the one you want) , you just need to check a box to make the change. I'm not sure what the option is called as I don't have Flexile installed at the moment, but if you can't find it ask me and I'll go take a look for you! (Or if you don't know where the Style Properties are!)
I'm pretty sure there is an option in the style properties for Flexile to make it look better with XenPorta (To change it from what you've got now to the one you want) , you just need to check a box to make the change. I'm not sure what the option is called as I don't have Flexile installed at the moment, but if you can't find it ask me and I'll go take a look for you! (Or if you don't know where the Style Properties are!)
Yea I can't find it
You'll need to post a link to your site, it looks customized and we cannot provide valid CSS without seeing what you have.
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