XF 2.1 How to show pageNav both on top & bottom on small view?

well, if you are familiar with css etc this is handy. sure.
but if you are just some human who wants to run a discussion board for niche topic XY xenforo is really not the system for you: everything I have in template mods increases my headaches when updating.

Maybe I should just move my community to Discord and leave my 6.8mio messages of xenforo content be.
Adding the above code, or any similar code into your extra.less will not be affected by upgrading.
aah, c'mon. everything that piles up in templates-mods, addins etc is baggage you carry around and you know that. it's all technical dept. but OK, Xenforo has a strong community and heros (seriously) like you that help here. I am just frutstrated that they seem to rest on it instead of improving the "admin experience". But I should stop complaining to you :)
Thanks again for helping here. really appreciate it!
can't believe this ist not an option in the forum options.

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