XF 2.2 How to remove some sub-forums in forum list?


Well-known member
For example, I want to prevent Singapore and Japan from showing up in the sub-forum list below.

In the node settings you can choose whether to show in the forum list or not.
In 2.2 this may be under the advanced settings tab in the node options, not sure though
Thanks. I need to hide some of the sub-node names in the list but still want to show their thread list/contents. By disabling the Display in the node list option, its thread list won't be shown.

I'm using Xon's aggregating forums.

Can I use CSS to hide that?
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I guess that he want to see the subforums when in the Asia forum, but not in the list above.
One way could be to hide all subforums and show forum describtion and in that have links to relevant subforums.
Another is to change the template to hide/show subforums with specific id:s.
You could turn sub-forum display to none. Then use HTML in the forum description to create the ones you want. They are just links, you can create them this way you can control them.
This code works for remove all sub-forums
[data-template="forum_list"] {
    .subNodeLink.subNodeLink--forum {
        display: none;
I didn't find the tricks to add sub-node ID
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