XF 2.2 How to remove notice wrapper?


Well-known member
Is there a way to display a specific notice without the wrapper?

I have this in my Listener.php

    public static function noticeSetup(\XF\Pub\App $app, \XF\NoticeList $noticeList, array $pageParams)
        $visitor = \XF::visitor();
        $templater = $app->templater();

        $noticeList->addNotice('install_app_invite', 'bottom_fixer',
            $templater->renderTemplate('public:earl_testpad_installapp', $pageParams),[
                'dismissible' => true,
//                'display_style' => 'custom',
//                'css_class' => 'offCanvasMenu-installBanner js-installPromptContainer notice-none',
                'css_class' => 'test',
                'wrap' => false,



this 'wrap'=> false line does not change anything. :(

What I'm trying to do is creating a notice to invites people to install the PWA app.

Edit: can not post question-type threads in this section...
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By wrapper do you mean the styling?

If so, you can specify a custom CSS class name like so:

Then add to the extra.less template, or your add-on less template:
    border: none;

That seems to remove all of the standard styling.
By wrapper do you mean the styling?

If so, you can specify a custom CSS class name like so:

Then add to the extra.less template, or your add-on less template:
    border: none;

That seems to remove all of the standard styling.
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