how to put user id in postbit above registration date


Well-known member
I'm trying to add user id above registration date. I already know how do put it there, i just dont know what variable to call. it's something to do with

<xen:: (something here) $user.(id?) />

another question I have is with user groups.

If i have someone assigned two user groups. The two user groups have two different colors. How do I make that user be assigned one of the two user groups color. I tried putting the primary group as main color but it takes the color of the group with higher permissions.

For example, if a user is a support and a moderator, and i put support as a primary group, he'll be assigned the color of moderator instead.

I'm trying to add user id above registration date. I already know how do put it there, i just dont know what variable to call. it's something to do with

<xen:: (something here) $user.(id?) />

Edit this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message_user_info

Add this code:

				<dl class="pairsInline">
				</dl> shown below:

	<xen:if hascontent="true">
		<div class="extraUserInfo">
				<dl class="pairsInline">

				<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate">
					<dl class="pairsInline">
						<dt>{xen:phrase member_since}:</dt>
						<dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>

another question I have is with user groups.

If i have someone assigned two user groups. The two user groups have two different colors. How do I make that user be assigned one of the two user groups color. I tried putting the primary group as main color but it takes the color of the group with higher permissions.

For example, if a user is a support and a moderator, and i put support as a primary group, he'll be assigned the color of moderator instead.

That is controlled by the group priority:

Admin CP -> Users -> List User Groups -> [click a group] -> Display Styling Priority

Make sure the priority numbers of the different groups are different or it will be ambiguous.
Edit this template:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates -> message_user_info

Add this code:

<dl class="pairsInline">
</dl> shown below:

<xen:if hascontent="true">
<div class="extraUserInfo">

<dl class="pairsInline">

<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate">
<dl class="pairsInline">
<dt>{xen:phrase member_since}:</dt>
<dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>

That is controlled by the group priority:

Admin CP -> Users -> List User Groups -> [click a group] -> Display Styling Priority

Make sure the priority numbers of the different groups are different or it will be ambiguous.

Thank you very much sir. That worked wonderful.
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