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How to make the signature zone better


Well-known member
I would like to make the signature zone better on my forum. I've make a mod in my message template that show a row like the one you see in the examples below

Screenshot 2011-03-29 a 14.04.00.webpScreenshot 2011-03-29 a 14.03.51.webp

The mod installed in the message template is this one (from xfitalia.it)

  <!-- Inizio modifica status  e statistiche in firma -->

                <xen:if is="{$visitor.content_show_signature}">
                    <div class="baseHtml signature ugc">
                        <xen:if is="{$message.status}">
                            <div style="color: #003366";><strong>Sto pensando:</strong> <i>{$message.status}</i></div>
                        <xen:if is="{$message.signature}">
                            <div>{xen:raw $message.signatureHtml}</div>
                    <div style="color: #999592; font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important";>
                        Messaggi: {$message.message_count} |
                        Piaciuto: {$message.like_count} |
                        Punti: {$message.trophy_points} |
                        Registrato: {xen:date $message.register_date}
                            <xen:if is="{$message.location}">
                                | Scrivo da: {xen:string censor, $message.location}

        <!-- Fine modifica status e statistiche in firma -->

As you can note I've put some styles inside the <div> but the only one executed is the color. I don't know why the font and the dimensions are not kept.

I know that all depends from the signature of the users but I don't want to limit them.

I'm searching for a solution to make this zone look better and help the eye to visually break from the message below. As said I've tried to change the font using the css but with no luck.

Have someone any interesting idea to share or a solution to change the font and the dimensions?

I would put all of the CSS changes in the extra css personally but I don't know how that mod works so I don't want to help you and end up harming.

That being said my first instinct would be to change
<div style="color: #999592; ....to.... <div class="your_class"
and then in the EXTRA.css template define the styling for your_class rather than inline.

Extra css pretty much runs on every page load and does not get written over on upgrades so it is way I try and do all my styling. Hopefully that gives you a place to look.
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