XF 2.2 How to find the very 1st thread post on a forum?


Well-known member
How would you go about to find the very 1st thread someone started on a forum or my forum that is?
If you have MySQL access:

SELECT `thread_id` FROM `xf_thread` WHERE `user_id` = 1 AND `discussion_state` = 'visible' ORDER BY `post_date` ASC
(in that case for user ID 1; you'l get the thread ID of the oldest visible thread)
Well, unless the first 40 or so threads consists of the original mods and admins goofing around trying to learn the software before letting the members on. Not saying I know any boards like that or anything. :whistle:
Yeah most likely a normal member will not be able to view the first post of a forum, cause its most likely a staff only thread, ours was.
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