XF 2.2 How to find the exact registraion ip address of users?


Active member
Hello, for a Judicial control we have to export the data of a few users. in the list of the court is asked to us to provide many thing about these users, including REGISTRATION ip address.
Now, i browse all ACP in the users section, and the only thing i see is the IP Address tab in the user information, that is the list of all ip address... no registration ip address field...

in vbulletin in the main information page of a users, below the registration date, there was the registration ip. How can i find this data?
There is no IP address recorded for specific actions such as registration.

If you have them stored since the member registered, then it will be the oldest IP address recorded for them.
So, the oldest can be the registration ip?
Something's not clear for me...
What if that user was registered in a specific location, and his first message/action was written in another location? The registration let xenforo store the ip address in that list? or he have to do something in the forum like write or reply?

There is no IP address recorded for specific actions such as registration.

If you have them stored since the member registered, then it will be the oldest IP address recorded for them.
Not entirely true... if you look in the xf_ip table, there's an action column that records it. Maybe it's not presented in the normal interface, but the underlying info is there.

...content_type = 'user' AND action = 'register'...
Depending on when they registered and the number of registrations since, you might be able to see their registration IP here....



Depending on when they registered and the number of registrations since, you might be able to see their registration IP here....
This comes from an addon by @Xon and is not available without it ;)

You can also see the registration IP if you start spam cleaning the user (don't need to actually do it, just click it as if you are going to).
Sorry, where i find the spam clean function with a user?

Depending on when they registered and the number of registrations since, you might be able to see their registration IP here....
so strange, i get Oops! page with that link, and in my logs tab i can't find the log for registrations... what i've missing?

Not entirely true... if you look in the xf_ip table, there's an action column that records it. Maybe it's not presented in the normal interface, but the underlying info is there.

...content_type = 'user' AND action = 'register'...
unluckly i'm not able to perform action in the database, i need to ask this to a specific office that manage the DB.

Meantime, i wish to thank you all, for your reply!
so strange, i get Oops! page with that link, and in my logs tab i can't find the log for registrations... what i've missing?
They are showing a function from an addon:

This log isn't part of default XF.
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