How to create export function so member can download a CSV file


Well-known member

I'm creating an add-on which I would like to add an 'export' function. The way I would like to make it work is to add the code to the ControllerPublic/NewsletterSubscribe.php file.

For example the admin will invoke the export function by adding the the word export after the route.


With this URL I would like my add-on to prepare the $results and have a download dialog box appear on the admins display where he can download the $results to his computer.

Currently i have the following:


	public function actionExport()
		// get permission
		if (!XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->hasPermission('newsletterSubscribeGID', 'newsletterSubscribeID'))
			throw $this->getNoPermissionResponseException();
		// get database
		$db = XenForo_Application::get('db');		
		// get data
		$results = $db->fetchCol("
			SELECT email
			FROM xf_newsletter_subscribe
			ORDER BY email ASC

What code do I need to add?

Thank you.
Hi Jake B.,

Thank you for your post. Yes I understand that part, sorry I wasn't more clear. The part I'm having trouble with is to get a prompt to save the file. I understand I will need to add some header code or call a function for this.
Everything you'll need is in
My question is how to get a download dialog by adding code to the ControllerPublic, I'm not sure if it's possible. I was not able to use the code in other controllers, hence my call for help.
My question is how to get a download dialog by adding code to the ControllerPublic, I'm not sure if it's possible. I was not able to use the code in other controllers, hence my call for help.

Yes, you'll need to use a view. Take a look at XenForo_ViewPublic_Attachmentview::renderRaw
Yes, you'll need to use a view. Take a look at XenForo_ViewPublic_Attachmentview::renderRaw

Thank you for your suggestion.

What code would I use in the library/Andy/NewsLetterSubscribe/ControllerPublic/NewletterSubscribe.php file to call the XenForo_ViewPublic_Attachment_View class?
Thank you for your suggestion.

What code would I use in the library/Andy/NewsLetterSubscribe/ControllerPublic/NewletterSubscribe.php file to call the XenForo_ViewPublic_Attachment_View class?

You wouldn't call XenForo_ViewPublic_Attachment_View, you'd create your own view and use parts of the code from that.
I almost got this working perfect with this code:

	public function actionExport()
		// get permission
		if (!XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->hasPermission('newsletterSubscribeGID', 'newsletterSubscribeID'))
			throw $this->getNoPermissionResponseException();

		// get database
		$db = XenForo_Application::get('db');		
		// get data
		$results = $db->fetchCol("
			SELECT email
			FROM xf_newsletter_subscribe
			ORDER BY email ASC
		// define variable
		$csv = '';
		foreach ($results as $result)
			$csv = $csv . $result . ',';

		// write to temporary file
		$file = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
		$handle = fopen($file, "w");
		fwrite($handle, $csv);
		// rename file
		XenForo_Helper_File::safeRename($file, '/tmp/export.csv');	
		// decalre variable
		$file = '/tmp/export.csv';
		if (file_exists($file)) {
			header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
			header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
			header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
			header('Expires: 0');
			header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
			header('Pragma: public');
			header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

The one problem is the code uses the exit() command, so after you save the export.csv file to your local disk, the URL changes internally to the web root:

So this is a little confusing and I'm not sure why this happens.
Got it.

What I needed to do was to have the following link:

call a template and in the template have a link to the actual export.

	public function actionExport()
		// send to template
		return $this->responseView('Andy_Trader_ViewPublic_Trader','andy_newslettersubscribe_export');
	public function actionExportLink()
		// get permission
		if (!XenForo_Visitor::getInstance()->hasPermission('newsletterSubscribeGID', 'newsletterSubscribeID'))
			throw $this->getNoPermissionResponseException();

		// get database
		$db = XenForo_Application::get('db');		
		// get data
		$results = $db->fetchCol("
			SELECT email
			FROM xf_newsletter_subscribe
			ORDER BY email ASC
		if (!empty($results))
			// comma separate results
			$csv = implode($results, ',');
			// remove trailing comma
			$csv = rtrim($csv, ',');		
			// write to temporary file
			$file = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
			$handle = fopen($file, "w");
			fwrite($handle, $csv);
			// rename file
			XenForo_Helper_File::safeRename($file, '/tmp/export.csv');	
			// decalre variable
			$file = '/tmp/export.csv';
			if (file_exists($file)) {
				header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
				header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
				header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.basename($file).'"');
				header('Expires: 0');
				header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate');
				header('Pragma: public');
				header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));
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Also consider using the built-in php function fputcsv to ensure the output is formatted correctly. Especially as email addresses can have all sorts of stuff encoded into them.
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