XF 2.1 How to Clear Notifications?


Recently our forum went down after one of our users reached 66k unread alerts. This broke our mysql database since it went over the value limit for what is allowed (65,535). We're wondering if there is a way to clear unread alerts from the system and if so how to do that.

We have another number of users approaching that upper limit so any quick fixes would be helpful.

You likely accidentally clicked right align, although I don't know how since that is in a drop down. Click on edit and check in source code mode.

Page source: <div style="text-align: right">What version of 2.1 are you running?&#8203;</div>
There is nothing built in to the UI which allows alerts to be cleared.

You would have to clear them manually by editing the database.

I would be interested to know how members are amassing such massive numbers of unread alerts.
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