XF 2.2 How to apply censoring to existed posts and thread titles?


Well-known member
I found that certain words for censer are not always work with existing posts in both my forum and my friends' forum...
... For example I am trying to censer "论坛" (forum), replacing it to "社区" (community).

Is this a rare case requiring ticket-based support?

P.S.: I dunno whether it is a bug seeing that censoring doesn't work with thread titles.
Out of curiousity (and because I like being helpful) I just tried that on my forum.

It works as expected both in post text and titles.
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Out of curiousity (and because I like being helpful) I just tried that on my forum.

It works as expected both in post text and titles.
I just found what this bug really is:

XenForo at this moment only censors if it is (from non-CJK language perspective) separated by spaces or punctuational symbols.
If for CJK languages (which doesn't have to use spaces to separate every word), it will cause matching issues.
You see the 2nd line of this screenshot failed from being censored:

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I don't understand.

Isn't this why we can add the wildcard * or not
I hoped that I can do the test right here right now...
However, the rule 1 makes this impossible. (Brogan just warned me about that.)
I have to start a private conversation with XF devs instead.

Not a good idea to passively teach Chinese dirty words to English-speaking kids here.
It wasn't the Chinese profanity which was the issue (although that's why we have the English content only rule), it was the image of the translated English word, which was highly inappropriate.
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