XF 1.5 How reduce the length of main title after category or post title .


Active member
Hi, not sure if this is the correct term ( web subtitle ). This is an example of how you see the title of my home page.

Mi_web_title - plus_short_tagline

So my categories looks like this eg :

Category_title | Mi_web_title - plus_short_tagline

but I need to reduce to only

Category_title | Mi_web_title <-- ( I need reduce the main title after category title. )

So, i try in this :

<title><xen:if is="{$title}">{xen:raw $title} | {xen:helper wordTrim, {$xenOptions.boardTitle}, 60}<xen:else />{xen:helper wordTrim, {$xenOptions.boardTitle}, 10 }</xen:if></title>

But the above reduces only the home page title, and not in category or post.

I hope I have explained well and you can help me.

Best Regards Xen.
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