How Many DB Queries Does Your Home Page Portal Run?

I have 50 before cache kicks in. I'm trying to find what add-on is causing it since it duplicated a permission check for each node I have, which is very weird.
Did you find the cause?
My forum_list queries have recently risen
Did you find the cause?
My forum_list queries have recently risen
I don't remember what I ate this morning, so there is no way I can recall an issue I had a year ago. Just disable your add-ons my way! one by one and check you query count.
What's means then if some addon increase all this queries?
Addon disabled: Timing: 0,3811 seconds Memory: 13,577 MB BD Queries: 15
Addon enable: Timing: 0,6117 seconds Memory: 14,016 MB BD Queries: 55
There are some problem with that addon? :coffee:
A single add-on ideally shouldn't be adding that many queries.
However, if you have multiple add-ons then it's possible that each one will add one or two queries, which all add up.
In fact I'm talking about 1 single addon. only 1 who add all that queries.
with all my addons enable my queries are only 15*
but with that addon the queries increase to 55*
Should I contact the developer and don't use that addon for a while?
*(in home page)
It may be worth contacting them to see if anything can be done.

Out of interest, which add-on is it?
Pleased to say mine runs at between 9 and 16, depending on how many threads and polls are featured.

It's more than I'd like but when the home page is replicating several different content types and features all on one page, including threads, polls, profile posts, pagination and respecting permissions, it's inevitable that the query count will increase slightly.
Hello @melbo have you fixed the issue with Xentag?
80+ queries are a lot!
What was the reply of the developer? it doesn't affect the performance?
not fixed. There were other reports of high queries in the xentag support thread too but not really much response.
not fixed. There were other reports of high queries in the xentag support thread too but not really much response.
Hello Melbo, I've been testing with Xentag lately and there are not additional queries in forum_list unchecking the hashtag optionR 2015-05-04 at 00.34.40.webp
Anyway I'm not using the sidebar widget.
XF Forum with 1.1M post, 200K+ members, 60K Topics, 40+ addons, 100+ Forum nodes.
Index/Home on Debug Mode Page Load:
Timing: 0.0205 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0266 seconds Memory: 4.873 MB DB Queries: 10
Timing: 0.0198 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0198 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0201 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0210 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0204 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
Timing: 0.0226 seconds Memory: 5.086 MB DB Queries: 7
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