how do I change my visible Admin name ?


Well-known member
I would like to change the name of the Forum-Admin.
How can I do this easily without running into any issues ?

Many thanks,
I actually do not want a "Display Name" feature in XenForo. There were lots of issues when they introduced Display-names at (a WordPress project).

I am actually just looking for the Display-name of the Admin being different than the Login-Username of the Admin (security ???).
I am actually just looking for the Display-name of the Admin being different than the Login-Username of the Admin (security ???).
Unless I have misunderstood Jake, that's exactly what the "display name" feature does.

It allows you to log in with one username but a different username will be visible to users.
I just changed the username of the Admin.

There is a bug, as it still shows within "Profile / Recent Activities":

"old username" changed his Avatar.

So within the recent activities, it is still showing my previous username. How can I delete this from Recent-Activities ?
How to delete "Recent Activities" of the Admin-user ?
Username changes are not fully reflected throughout historic content.

I would need to find the relevant threads but Mike has explained why this is the case.
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