XF 2.3 How can I remove ad from header?

on your site?
remove the code you added to put it there.
ads are done in setup/advertising unless you are using a plug in for them.
on another site use an ad blocker.
Either it is in the header ad position in which case you just remove it via your Admin Control Panel > setup > Advertising or else maybe you have Google auto ads turned.you turn these off at your Google Adsense abccount.
Mate, you have 3 members currently, including you. What the point to display ads? and not just a little, I had to fight with 4 banners before being able to see the entire forum... Do you want to scare away your visitors? In addition, you do not control the display of these advertisements. Delete them, concentrate on the content of your forum, when you have a good base of members and a little more experience you will integrate a few banners, here and there, and not your invasive things which must continually disappear to enjoy your forum.

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