XF 1.3 How can I find the topics no one has viewed for last x days?


Well-known member

i will clean my forum from old unused threads.

How can I find the topics no one has viewed for last x days to delete them after review handy?

Is there a way in core or with an addon? Thanks.

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No - I am possibly poorly expressed ... sorry. I have changed now the topic title and my question above.

I would like to find topics that no one has viewed last x days.

... whether 0 or more responses is initially not care.
To bad...

i realy think this would be th best way to filter out what topic can be deletet or not and as an option in acp this would be often the better way to manage delete old topics.

I mean topics like:
Instructions or topics where solutions have been written that would be often been read by users but without new answers.

I search now for a addon coder...
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