XF 2.0 Hover to display thumbs


Hello there,

I like to know how i can change the way my thumbs looking in te media gallery. Now i have to hover to view the thumbs by name,like,views. But how can i make it like i dont have to hover to see the info ?


Hello Joe Kuhn,

No i want to see the thumbnails, with the info that appears when i normally hover them. But now i wanna see them standaard, so i don't need to hover to see the info.

I don't understand. I could ask for an example, but that seems circular since you don't have what you want. Maybe some kind of screen print would get us started.
This is what i mean. I finally did figure it out. But now i like to get a bit of margins, so the text is a bit lower then the thumb. (see attatchment)


  • Schermafbeelding 2018-06-20 om 16.20.08.webp
    Schermafbeelding 2018-06-20 om 16.20.08.webp
    32.2 KB · Views: 5
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