Hotspots by Waindigo [Deleted]

Jon W

Well-known member
Waindigo submitted a new resource:

Hotspots by Waindigo - Allow users to pin locations on a map.


This add-on allows users to pin locations or hotspots to a map to be viewed by other users.

Users can also browse the full list of hotspots and view extra information about the hotspot, including a full BB code description, link to an image, link to a description and date that it was pinned.

Hotspots and hotspot categories can also be managed from the Admin Control Panel. There are also options for setting default map co-ordinates, zoom and limits.

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Post a preview of what it looks like when there's an image linked to the hotspot please.
Post a preview of what it looks like when there's an image linked to the hotspot please.
Yes boss...
@Waindigo this addon has the potential to be like WAYN if you added a profile page tab listing our tagged location.
This was really made for tagging "hotspots" rather than tagging a user's current location. I'm pretty easy though -- happy to expand it in whatever way someone pays me to!
This was really made for tagging "hotspots" rather than tagging a user's current location. I'm pretty easy though -- happy to expand it in whatever way someone pays me to!
I didn't mean current location. Like you have a list of the hotspots already. That's pretty much what wayn does. It's for hotspots.
Waindigo :
Any way to define a default location when opening the page.
Currently set to latitude 0 et longitude 0 ?
Thanks :)
This looks like a great add-on. Is it possible to change from to a different ending (which means different google maps language?)
This looks like a great add-on. Is it possible to change from to a different ending (which means different google maps language?)
Should be able to do it with a template edit. I have not tried it though.
Should be able to do it with a template edit. I have not tried it though.
Yea, I managed to do that with Google's API. I also added an API to search an hotspot with address instead of latitude, it's more manageable for users since latitude is not comfortable.
Thanks for the add-on, will donate again in bulk when I will get live.
I met an issue with permission
I have set permission to unregistered member to View hotspots : true
But system claims for registration :) when calling the page Hotspots
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