Well-known member
I'm trying to prevent my members from being able to alter the value of "View your details on your profile page" which is set to "All Visitors". I have managed to hide the checkbox with its associated drop-down menu with the following template edition:
In template account_privacy I found:
And replaced with:
However whenever they save the changes at account/privacy the value of "View your details on your profile page" gets changed to "Nobody" despite the checkbox being hidden and its associated drop-down menu not "physically" present on the template anymore.
What could I do to prevent changes on "View your details on your profile page"?
I'm trying to prevent my members from being able to alter the value of "View your details on your profile page" which is set to "All Visitors". I have managed to hide the checkbox with its associated drop-down menu with the following template edition:
In template account_privacy I found:
<li><label for="ctrl_allow_view_profile_enable"><input type="checkbox" name="allow_view_profile_enable" value="1" id="ctrl_allow_view_profile_enable" class="Disabler OptOut" {xen:checked "{$visitor.allow_view_profile} != 'none' "} /> {xen:phrase view_your_details_on_your_profile_page}:</label>
<ul id="ctrl_allow_view_profile_enable_Disabler">
<select name="allow_view_profile" class="textCtrl autoSize" id="ctrl_allow_view_profile">
<option value="everyone" {xen:selected "{$visitor.allow_view_profile} == 'everyone' "}>{xen:phrase all_visitors}</option>
<option value="members" {xen:selected "{$visitor.allow_view_profile} == 'members' "}>{xen:phrase members_only}</option>
<option value="followed" {xen:selected "{$visitor.allow_view_profile} == 'followed' "}>{xen:phrase people_you_follow_only}</option>
And replaced with:
<li><input type="hidden" name="allow_view_profile_enable" value="1" id="ctrl_allow_view_profile_enable" class="Disabler OptOut" {xen:checked "{$visitor.allow_view_profile} != 'none' "} />
However whenever they save the changes at account/privacy the value of "View your details on your profile page" gets changed to "Nobody" despite the checkbox being hidden and its associated drop-down menu not "physically" present on the template anymore.
What could I do to prevent changes on "View your details on your profile page"?