Hide "similar threads"

There's many ways to reduce the "clutter."
1. You can turn them off per forum.
2. You can change the 5 threads that show to less, like 2.
Search for similar threads when users are creating new threads
Maximum results: 2

3. You can disable similar threads, but keep enhanced search enabled.

How do you turn them off for each forum? I searched but can't find it. I really think this option should be built into Xenforo
How do you turn them off for each forum? I searched but can't find it.
Address this request in the appropriate area for support. This is a suggestion area. Odds are you wont' get any specific use help here.
I use an add-on (available in the RM for a fee) that appears to allow you to do this currently, but by default I don't think this is a XF option - but it should be.
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Meanwhile, I'll share a template mod, that makes the ST widget collapsible:

Template: xfes_widget_similar_threads
Search type: Regular expression
Find: /(<h3 [^>]*class="block-header"[^>]*>)(.+)(<\/h3>)/isU
<span class="collapseTrigger collapseTrigger--block {{ !is_toggled('collapse_similar_threads_widget') ? 'is-active' : '' }}" 
    data-xf-click="toggle" data-target="< :up :next"
    data-xf-init="toggle-storage" data-storage-type="cookie" data-storage-key="collapse_similar_threads_widget" data-storage-expiry="{{ 86400 * 365 }}">


And the second template modification for the same template:

Find: /(<div [^>]*class="block-body)("[^>]*>)/isU
Replace: $1 block-body--collapsible {{ !is_toggled('collapse_similar_threads_widget') ? 'is-active' : '' }}$2
AFAIK the official support forums are public as well..

I think my hint does not hurt, so no need to be sarcastic..
The point is.... provide support in licensed areas... getting in the habit of doing it in areas that ANYONE that creates an account and asks for help defeats the very purpose if having "licensed only" areas.
@nocte, @Tracy Perry is correct - support should not be provided outside the licensed customer support forums, as that is how those using pirated copies of the software attempt to obtain support.

In this case the member is licensed so I have moved the posts to a new thread in the relevant forum.
Address this request in the appropriate area for support. This is a suggestion area. Odds are you wont' get any specific use help here.
I use an add-on (available in the RM for a fee) that appears to allow you to do this currently, but by default I don't think this is a XF option - but it should be.
Hi, I was just wondering what add-on you were using? I need to do the same thing - I've got a couple of forums that aren't appropriate to have suggestions and I can't work out how to turn them off by forum. I've limited the forums the suggestions come from but that just makes them very OT for those forums and I'd prefer them not there at all. It's a great feature for other fourms though, so I don't want to remove altogether.
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