XF 2.1 Hide prefix on forum list


Active member
Possible to hide thread prefix on forum_list per forum? Guessing some CSS would do it but not sure what the variables are.
Would this be a good way to do it? This is the node_list template. I could use a conditional to see which node it is and if that node then remove the
{ prefix('thread', $extras.LastThread) }

<div class="node-extra-row">
                        <xf:if is="$extras.LastThread.isUnread()">
                            <a href="{{ link('threads/unread', $extras.LastThread) }}" class="node-extra-title" title="{$extras.LastThread.title}">{{ prefix('thread', $extras.LastThread) }}{$extras.LastThread.title}</a>
                        <xf:else />
                            <a href="{{ link('threads/post', $extras.LastThread, {'post_id': $extras.last_post_id}) }}" class="node-extra-title" title="{$extras.LastThread.title}">{{ prefix('thread', $extras.LastThread) }}{$extras.LastThread.title}</a>
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