XF 2.0 Hide lost password from login form

Why would you do that? What do you expect visitor to do if he/she forgets password? To abandon your forum?

Add template modification in admin panel. Template: "login", find this code and replace it with nothing:
						<a href="{{ link('lost-password') }}" data-xf-click="overlay">{{ phrase('forgot_your_password') }}</a>
Why would you do that? What do you expect visitor to do if he/she forgets password? To abandon your forum?

Add template modification in admin panel. Template: "login", find this code and replace it with nothing:
                        <a href="{{ link('lost-password') }}" data-xf-click="overlay">{{ phrase('forgot_your_password') }}</a>
Thanks @Arty! It works!

I need to hide lost password because I use aMember to manage users' password.

If the user need to recover your password, must use the aMember link!


And last question:

Is it possible to hide this page:


Thanks a lot!

Matteo F.
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