XF 2.1 Help with postbit links


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Who's up for a little bit of coding assistance?

I have a new forum for bloggers here: https://blogboards.net and I'm working on a new theme for it. Currently there's an error in the postbit look as below. Links are the same colour as the background. When I hover I can see the link. I want to the link to be displayed before having to hover over it:


I've checked basic colours in style properties. This is where the link colours are set:


I do not want to change these but want the link in the postbit to be black, like the other text (join date, messages) until hovered. How do I change it please?
Apologies for this but I have another styling issue. On the members page the headings are white the same as the background. Please can someone tell me what to add to the css to change this?

On hover the links remain white as can be seen here: https://blogboards.net/members/
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