I'm looking to change my logo on a website.
I've went into my template's files and directed myself to logo_block.css where the image is being grabbed.
It appears to be doing this: src="@headerLogoPath" .
Here's what it looks like right now: https://gyazo.com/13f554e8fdeac0583dc7fab85ad06894
When I changed it to:
It seems to have distorted itself:
My question is how I can change the headerLogoPath, or if there's a way to center the image.
Thank you!
I'm looking to change my logo on a website.
I've went into my template's files and directed myself to logo_block.css where the image is being grabbed.
It appears to be doing this: src="@headerLogoPath" .
Here's what it looks like right now: https://gyazo.com/13f554e8fdeac0583dc7fab85ad06894
When I changed it to:
It seems to have distorted itself:
My question is how I can change the headerLogoPath, or if there's a way to center the image.
Thank you!