XF 1.2 Help Pages HELP!


Active member
I have asked my tech support team and waiting on an answer, so thought I would ask here as well as I may get a quicker response or different ideas.

I need help on the "help" pages.

I am having trouble changing the titles of these pages or creating new ones?? I had all my "Rules and FAQ" located at the top of my vb forum and it was all set up with links that you would click on to drill down to the info looking for.

I figured out how to change the text within them, but I need the names of the pages to be changable, some deleted, etc.

Can you guys explain to me how to do this? I would like to learn for myself if possible.

For example:
Terms and Rules - Needs to be changed to Terms of Service (needs to show at top of page that way, and on the left side bar.
Imprint - I would like to change this to "NMNL Rules and Guidelines"
Newbie - I would like to change this to "FAQs"

Then to be able to enter the text accordingly for these pages. They need to be sure to all say the same thing throughout the forum, meaning there are links at the bottom right corner of the forum as well that shows "Imprint" "Newbie" etc.

I hopefully haven't screwed anything up as I tried to rename a couple of them already. But it didn't work, so not sure what I did.

If anyone has any tips or ideas for the very best way to set up a really good FAQ page that would be great!
Creating new help pages requires some PHP knowledge, templates, and add-ons. There is no built in help page manager. As for changing the titles, you can either change them via phrases (recommended) or change them via the templates. If you search for help_ in the templates section, you will find the titles within the <xen:h1> tag, the sidebar links are in help_wrapper (phrases are in the a tags).
Screen Shot 2013-07-13 at 6.16.09 PM.webp Ok so like here... this style has this "Imprint" page, and its under the help menu... I want to change this... so do I change BOTH the titles there??I swear I thought I had already tried to do that on another page and it didn't work, although I am confused by now. LOL!
help_about_imprint isn't a default help page, so I'm not entirely sure if it works in both cases. My previous post (posted as you were) lists the phrases you need to change for the default pages.

You do not want to change Title, this is used to refer to the text. You want to change and modify Phrase text to change the value and what is displayed to the user.
Ok wow, that all just went WAYYYYYY beyond ME! Yeah I don't need to change smilies, bbcode, trophies, or anything... EXCEPT I want "Terms and Rules" to say "Terms of Service" -- Otherwise, I am just trying to figure out on my page how to change the names of these other pages listed under the style I suppose. "imprint" and "newbies" -- If I can change the names of those to what I want or need to replace them with, I should be fine... and not need to add any additional pages or anything.
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