XF 1.5 Help on permission


Well-known member
Well, I admit that I don't understand permission. This is my situation and I need some help getting out...

My board is private. Unregistered see only a small part of the forum. Registration is on invite and as one register he's put in the "registered" UG (same privileges of the unregistered) so as he pay he's upgraded to the "pay" UG where they can see everything and write everywhere.

Administrator and moderator can obviously do everything...

I've setup everything before and it worked but now AndyB and also Brogan told me that also the admin user (myself) has tu be in the registered UG e also in admin and mod. I've done that way and now my permissions are a complete mess :-()

Question is. How can I setup the permission correctly that way? Which is the better way to accomplish this?

Another aspect is... i think google "counts" no. of replies as a ranking factor?

No, Google probably counts quality of content over quantity, so if the replies are useful and on topic, then that is good. But loads of random banter not so.

With that addon, you could encourage people to make the first post good meaty content, and that could actually count in your favour if loads of subsequent (less useful) posts were not visible.

Alternatively you could show more than just the first posts, I think this one may have that opption, or if mot @AndyB may have another addon that does allow more than the first post.

I was thinking using a custom bbcode to hide only photo gallery for example. Or important aspect of a thread... all other content remains available. Could be this a better compromise?

If you main reason is to make people register but still show lots of content to Google, then hiding gallery would work, provided there is enough incentive to want to see the gallery.

You would't bbcode, or do you mean to hide images that are in threads until someone registers?

There are plenty of other ways to encourage registration, ie offering free downloads of stuff useful to your niche.
I make product reviews directly as thread (not as resource for example, like xenforo resource concept). After first post, wich is the review body in terms of itemprop schema, follows comments.

Good quality photos grouped by subject, and explained.

Many visitors are viewing the reviews but i want to make them "curious", and register. I'm not beeing abusive about this... :)

With help of Chris D i did a class and function to render a foto gallery, and now i know how to check if it's a guest. (user_id is zero).

For an important gallery and text, i could return, instead of html code for gallery, the text "You must register to see this part of review".

Until now, xenforo is amazing...
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