XF 2.2 Help! Auto Conversion of H2 to H3 Damaging All my AI Content


New member
Hello everyone, after researching for a long time and I found out that the default heading 2 is actually heading 3.

I've encountered an issue where <h2> tags in BBCode are automatically being converted to <h3>.

This is affecting all my AI generated content with auto <h2> tags.

I have looked through theme settings and templates but haven't found any clear settings that address this issue. I would like the <h2> tags to remain as <h2> in posts instead of being automatically converted to <h3>.

Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does anyone know how to fix the tag behavior by modifying templates, CSS, or other settings? Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all for your help!
The reason for that is every page already has an H1, so the next available heading to use is H2.

Change your content to use one heading higher than you would for an HTML page.
The reason for that is every page already has an H1, so the next available heading to use is H2.

Change your content to use one heading higher than you would for an HTML page.
Hello I understand that H1 is reserved for titles, but I want my AI content to maintain its <h2> tags without them automatically converting to <h3>.
Is there a way to adjust the templates, CSS, or BBCode settings to achieve this?
You will have to just get your AI content to handle it at the point of creation.

[H1] converts to <h2>
[H2] converts to <h3>

and so on.
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