Hello we needed a developer.


Well-known member
Hello I am looking for a developer.

Our former admin, who unfortunately passed away in 2020, had created an image poll.
Since the XF update to 2.2.8 it no longer works.

I finally found the error today but I can't fix it.

The addon writes html code to the database.
It always looked like this until the update:

<img src="/data/Polaroid/thumbnails/517/517301.jpg"><span><a href="/attachments/517301" data-lightbox="poll">Rauhnacht</a>
Rauhnacht is the username in this case.

Since the update, only one part is written to the database:

<img src="/data/Polaroid/thumbnails/517/517301.jpg"><span><a href="/attachments/517301" data-lightbo

This part is missing:


So we are looking for a developer who can solve the problem.

The problem has been solved. @0815 first solved the problem and then created a new addon in consultation with us so that we would not have the same problem again in the future.

The cooperation was incredibly good and fast.
@0815 is a clear recommendation as a developer.
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