Having weird issue with AJAX processing...


Well-known member
I have a form:
<form action="{xen:link 'rankings/result/edit', $result}" method="post" class="xenForm formOverlay AutoValidator" id="ResultPoster">
As you can see, it is a formOverlay created through "OverlayTrigger". In addition to that,AutoValidates and I am registering it through AJAX using "ResultPoster".
/** @param {jQuery} $ jQuery Object */
!function($, window, document, _undefined)
    XenForo.ResultPoster = function($form)
        $form.bind('AutoValidationComplete', function(e)
            if (e.ajaxData.templateHtml)
                new XenForo.ExtLoader(e.ajaxData, function()
                    $(e.ajaxData.templateHtml).xfInsert('replaceAll', '#eventResults', 'xfShow');
    // *********************************************************************
    XenForo.register('#ResultPoster', 'XenForo.ResultPoster');
(jQuery, this, document);
Its basically the simplest AJAX you can do... when the form successfully validates, it replaces #eventResults with the returned response templateHtml. This is all working correctly. The problem comes with the actual script.

Using the following works:
if ($this->_noRedirect())
    return $this->responseView('EWRtorneo_ViewPublic_EventResults', 'EWRtorneo_EventResults', $viewParams);
However, if I use a responseRedirect instead of a responseView, it doesnt work... templateHtml is always undefined.
if ($this->_noRedirect())
    return $this->responseReroute('EWRtorneo_ControllerPublic_Rankings_Event', 'Results');

Is there a reason for this? How do I fix?
Ah.. I figured it out... when using AJAX, you dont have access to the same XenForo_Input.
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