XF 2.1 Having problems defining a javascript constant inline...


Well-known member
I have a page, and in this page, has a macro calling this:
<xf:macro name="firebase">
        const firebaseId = "{$xf.options.firebase_id}";
    <xf:js src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/5.9.2/firebase-app.js" />
    <xf:js src="https://www.gstatic.com/firebasejs/5.9.2/firebase-firestore.js" />
    <xf:js src="firebase.js" />
This is actually loading fine when I call the page by itself.

But if I put this page in a .js-pageTabPanes loader, I get this error when the page loads:
Uncaught ReferenceError: firebaseId is not defined
    at firebase.js?_v=55049e58:5
    at firebase.js?_v=55049e58:81

Why would this work if loaded normally, but not work if loaded dynamically?
I think you need to wrap inline scripts in <xf:js> (instead of <script>) for them to be loaded properly on AJAX requests.
        var firebaseId = "{$xf.options.firebase_id}";
Doesn't seem to work at all.
xf:js only defers inline scripts to the end of the body tag. Instead of trying to fill the global namespace, pass the information as text/json and parse it on runtime. The XF editor does that for example.
Firebase's constructor has to be declared in the global. Otherwise it throws errors on multiple instances.
xf:js only defers inline scripts to the end of the body tag. Instead of trying to fill the global namespace, pass the information as text/json and parse it on runtime. The XF editor does that for example.
I went with this solution... works great.
    public function renderRaw()
        return 'firebaseId = "'.\XF::options()->EWRscoreboard_firebase_id.'";';
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