XF 1.1 Have I completely F**ED up? [[migration questions = help please]]


Well-known member
Okay - so I've been working on migrating my board to xenforo. I did an import several weeks ago (as you can see here) and have been working on the style and a whole lot of other stuff on the development board.... I've posted a few new threads on the dev board and had created a couple test members.

All of this before I read THIS THREAD. :(

I thought I'd be able to reimport once things are situated. In fact - I've tried to do a new (what I thought was a completion of...) import and I see the following:

So now I think I've complete f**cked up. ARG - I'm hoping someone can tell me that I haven't... I'm just ready to do this and get the XF board online in the next day or so.

So my question is - will it be possible to do a reimport, keeping the same thread IDs, user IDs, etc. that match the original vB forum content?

Please someone tell me that it is possible and that I haven't completely f**cked up. Also - if I have - then perhaps there is a work-around so that this work isn't lost.

Much appreciation for your suggestions and assistance!

I've worked with the impex script quite a few times and never had this issue, as I'm pretty sure you can do multiple imports with impex without having the duplicate content issue like the XF migration script.

That's true. ImpEx allows you to re-run the modules as long as you don't close the import session. When you re-run a module in ImpEx it deletes all content that was imported by the first run of that module.
That's true. ImpEx allows you to re-run the modules as long as you don't close the import session. When you re-run a module in ImpEx it deletes all content that was imported by the first run of that module.

Jake can you think up a solution here ?
MsJacquiiC's experience is part of a pattern of people making this mistake.
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