Has anyone been able to extend the Controller.php ?


I've tried extending it using the load_controller event listener, but I assume it's already loaded by the time that happens. Is there anyway to extend the main Controller ?
The reason for this is that I'm attempting to customize the way general errors are handled..
Use the load_controller with no type hint, include your class. Then every controller class extends your class instead of extending XenForo_Controller(Public|Admin)_Abstract which extends XenForo_Controller.
How do you include your class? I've tried the standard method of using load_class_controller to attempt to extend "XenForo_Controller" but that didn't work. Are you saying I should instead extend XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract?
Make your code event listener which listens for load_class_controller, leave the type hint blank. Point it to your add on's listener class/method (example: AddOn_Listener::Controller). In /library/AddOn/Listener.php have

class AddOn_Listener
public static function Controller($class, &$extend)
 $extend[] = 'AddOn_Controller';

in /library/AddOn/Controller.php have:

class AddOn_Controller extends XFCP_AddOn_Controller
 // Extend whatever functions of XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract [or XenForo_Controller since the Abstract class extends XenForo_Controller] here
Ah! I see, that worked perfectly, thank you :)

In my Listener.php class I was only extending it for the class "XenForo_Controller" or "XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract", but by just adding the extension regardless of the currently loading class it now works..

Beautiful. Thank you Daniel!
I may have spoke too soon.. It worked for my immediately needs, but as I navigate around the site, I now receive the following error on the homepage:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class XFCP_MyAddon_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Abstract in /home/mysite/public_html/library/XenForo/Application.php(528) : eval()'d code on line 1
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