Welcome to XenForo, an all-new forum software package. These are our official company forums. XenForo isn't ready to be released quite yet, but we want to get your feedback on it so far. We want to know what you like, what you don't like, and what you want to see. These are early days, so we...
I had known XF since 2010, but I hoped that VB 3.8 would be usable for a long time.
We gave up hope in 2018. In the meantime, XF has shown that it is not just a "short version" and has migrated from VB 3.8.11 to XF 2.0.10.
As long as no other year comes from XF-Team itself, 2010 is the "date of birth" for us.
Soooo. I wonder if we're going to expect something new from XF. New large extension? Cloud hosting? WP bridge? Native app? Swag shop with kier's face on tshirts?