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Guests See First Post Only

Au contraire Pierre. Those are exactly the kind of users you want for "long term growth," because they care about the topic and want to participate.

One of the forums I run has all the topics related to the subject open for public view, but the small handful off topic forums are register-to-read. So Google crawls all the relevant forums, but the "community" type conversations are for the community.

Which records the forum users are listening to, or which movies or TV shows they watch has nothing to do with the subject of the forum so it doesn't have to be indexed by Google. The users like it that way, because they can talk about things they don't necessarily want to show up on Google.
I just recently started doing what your talking about on my forum. I made subforums relevant to the subject of the website public but made member forums private.

This guests see first post only template modification seems like a really good idea but the main problem I have with it is sites like http://www.worlds-forum.com/ copy-n-pasting your whole damn forum and threads. For example:

This is RateDesi's Chat subforum: http://forums.ratedesi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=12

RD's Chat forum on worlds-forum: http://www.worlds-forum.com/forumdisplay.php/46-General-Chat
Those world forums are full of threats and viruses, I think you should warn people before asking us to follow the link
Was this code done from an old version of XenForo, because I just compared template code and this section at the bottom used to grab an ads template is missing from it.

<xen:include template="ad_message_below" />
Was this code done from an old version of XenForo, because I just compared template code and this section at the bottom used to grab an ads template is missing from it.

That is correct. This was from one of the first early beta releases.
Does this addon work with Xenforo 1.1?

Also, is it possible to include Google's "first click free" to visitors and display the whole thread? That way we get the SEO benefits.
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