GTABoards - Grand Theft Auto Forums



GTA Boards - Grand Theft Auto Forums
GTA Boards is a dedicated forum for Grand Theft Auto fans, all discussions about Grand Theft Auto's franchise is allowed. Want to discuss about the upcoming GTA 6 (which isn't even announced officialy yet?) or discuss about GTA V which is currently the most popular game streamed on Twitch? We cover it all. Or want to go back down memory lane? Discuss about GTA Vice City or San Andreas from decades ago (okay not really a decade but you get it..).

Website Link:

Got any feedback on my forums let me know, I am always open for some constructive criticisms.
I liked it enough to sign up.. 😉 A bit of constructive criticism for you, since you asked for it - but please only take this as what I would do and not what you should do. Play around with things and see what works for you.

Forum statistics data shown twice (in two different ways) on the forum index:

I really dislike the FA used for your Everything & Nothing section, I'd change the one from Suggestions & Feedback to either inbox-in or mailbox, and then use that one:

Speaking of FA.. Try not to overuse it, I know why people do - but from an accessibility standpoint it can sometimes make things more difficult to navigate:

Best of luck with it. I'm quite a GTA fan (apart from GTA2) so you'll probably see me around as time permits.
Hey Oblivion Knight thanks for the feedback. I am glad you liked the forums enough to sign up. Gives me a bit of confidence that I am going in the right direction. Of course I love the feedback it helps me improve as a webmaster.

Yes I did realize that I had the forum statistics twice, I will be removing the one from the sidebar as the one below the forum nodes looks much nicer.

I see your point with the FA icon for Everything & Nothing I didn't fancy it much was thinking of replacing them with icons instead of FA icons. What do you think?

I never realised the overuse of FA icons, afterall I havent started customizing the theme yet to make it look more custom. I will defenitely take into consideration of reducing the FA icons being used on the menus, it does get quite confusing specially the user profile dropdown menu.

That's great to hear that there are GTA fans in the Xenforo community, you are always welcome over at GTABoards!

Once again thank you for signing up and all the amazing feedback! :)
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