XF 1.3 Grouping Selectors?


Is there any way to group all of these selectors so that I can change the background color for Staff messages?

.messageList .message
.message .editDate
.message .messageInfo

Peas and Apples
Do you mean this?

.messageList .message,
.message .editDate,
.message .messageInfo
background-color: orange;
Thank you Brogan, it appears however, that it's changing the background color for all posts and not just Staff. Any ideas? I'm not sure if this is entirely possible.
So there is no possibility to have those selectors changed for staff posts only? Or have I identified the wrong selectors to pull this off? My knowledge of CSS is rather low.

EDIT: I was able to somewhat get things working with this.

.staff .messageText
background-color: #FFFFE9;

.staff .messageList
background-color: #FFFFE9;

.staff .editDate
background-color: #FFFFE9;

.staff .messageInfo
background-color: #FFFFE9;

However, I can't seem to lock the .messageList to .staff
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Yes, you can use the .staff class.
You will just need to create the correct selectors.

For example:
.message.staff .messageContent
background-color: orange;

This may help: http://xenforo.com/help/user-group-styling/

Thank you, I tried following that but it seems to stop short of what I need done :)

Since I'm terrible at explaining what I'm looking to achieve, I thought it'd be best to break out an image. I'm trying to go from this:


To this:

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