XF 2.0 Group Promotions, you can Add them to a Group, and you Remove them from other group same time?


Active member
I'm looking to do a Time in Community, the longer you been, the higher your Member Rank. When the Group Promotion adds them to the next Rank, can I have it Remove the Others?

Rank 1 - 1 Day
Rank 2 - 30 days
Rank 3 - 90 Days
Rank 4 - 180 Days
Rank 5 - 365 Days

So when Say User goes to Rank 5, and the Group Promotion see they been here 365 Days, also want to make sure it Removes ALL groups Rank 1-4 Under it, just to make sure they don't Have it. I'm looking to do this, so I can sync it with discord as well, and they don't have a Ton of Tags.
That's exactly what will happen with the promotion criteria I posted.

Ok I tried it Again with a brand new Rank, Ran the Cron Jobs, It's not Removing the older Ranks from them. I'm testing this on my X1 site as I haven't moved over the Members to the x2 site yet. I could never get it to work.
It should work.

When a member is added to Rank 2, they will then be removed from Rank 1 as they no longer meet the criteria as Rank 1 says not a member of Rank 2 (or 3, 4, 5). Similarly for the other Ranks.

Promotions only work on recently active members. They also won't work on members who have previously been added or removed from the group's you are using.

Try rebuilding the user group promotions after running the crown as that should apply this to all users.
@Daphonic have you got this to work?

I've tested this with a similar setup to yours (albeit using post count rather than date since registered so I can check it is happening more easily). It does indeed work. However, with the default setup it takes 2 hours for things to show exactly as you require (or if you are testing it via running the cron manually, doing this twice rather than just once).

The reason it takes 2 hours is because when the cron runs, it promotes someone from say Rank 1 to Rank 2 and that member is in both user groups. As the checks seem to happen simultaneously, they aren't removed from Rank 1 as they aren't in Rank 2 when the promotion is checked. When the cron next runs, the member is removed from Rank 1 (as they no longer meet the criteria).

There are a couple of ways around this. Firstly you could just show one banner (in ACP > Options > User Options disable "Allow Banner Stacking") and ensure that "Display Styling Priority" for each of the rank groups is set such that Rank 7 > Rank 6 > Rank 5 > etc. Note that this will still work if you use staff banners.

If the first way isn't suitable, for example you have other banners you wish to show, then you could alter the User Group Promotion cron to run more frequently. Do note you will have to change this after every upgrade though as it returns to the default. Alternatively create a new custom cron for User Group Promotions and set this as you see fit, then disable the default cron. The custom cron will retain its settings after upgrades.

Of course you could just put up with the fact that any user who is promoted will have 2 rank banners displaying for an hour.
I think I may just have some issues on my XF1 Site then, it just isn't working for me. I will test with the posts, good idea make sure it's working on XF2.

The reason I want to make sure it removes all ranks, is we will have discord Synced, and trying to minimize the amount of Tags on a user.
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