Google Apps is no longer free

I've also considered just going back to my old shared-hosting provider where I still have an account and creating mail-only domain profiles there. Given that 95% of email address are merely forwarded on to an existing mailbox (Gmail or similar), then this will probably work for most things and I can still do POP/IMAP for the other mailboxes if required. It's not ideal though and I do remember there being mail delivery problems in the past (it can also be rather slow at times). I'd rather use a specialist cloud-based service if possible.

It's either that, or run up another Linode with a Linux-based mail server on it, which I really don't want to do - can't be bothered maintaining it.
We eneded up going back to shared/standard pop3.

We tried but to be honest, it was crap. Not ideal for domains at all. We also tried Zoho's offering which felt like a bit of a hackjob and didnt work too well.
Doesn't seem to be any real alternative, but, given the price of google, it's not TOO bad.

I wish they had extra storage space options for email though, it's 25gb full stop.
Doesn't seem to be any real alternative, but, given the price of google, it's not TOO bad.

I wish they had extra storage space options for email though, it's 25gb full stop.
Yeah $5/user/month isnt that bad really. We'll likely move back if/when our current business venture takes off :)
There are known workarounds to get free and valid Google apps. It involves a dummy Google app engine application to link with. Google it for more details. :-)
Ok so I have a grandfathered account with 2 emails from my domain on it... am I able to add another email address with the same domain for free?
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